суббота, 3 марта 2012 г.

Double-B opportunity for investors in Euro market.

Last week kicked off with at least E2 billion (US$2.3 billion) of funded notes circulating the market, so there's plenty of paper still left to price by the end of this month. In keeping with the revival of ABS paper, more corporate paper crams into the already backed-up 2003 pipeline.

Included in the pipeline is the GBP400 million (US$676 million) U.K. insurance policy securitizations marketing for Barclays Life Assurance Co. - only the second time a deal like this has been launched since the 1998 inaugural Mutual Securitization deal (see ASR 7/1) from National Provident Institution (NPI). The deal is being issued through Barclays Capital. Market sources indicated …

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