пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Diggers join with coalition partners for Anzac Day

Fed: Diggers join with coalition partners for Anzac Day

By Rod McGuirk

CANBERRA, April 24 AAP - The modern Anzacs in the Persian Gulf will tomorrow teachtheir British and US coalition partners an Australian cultural lesson in two-up.

One of them, RAAF Flight-Lieutenant Christine Bradley, said F/A-18 Hornets would takepart in a fly-past over an airbase somewhere in the Middle East where a dawn service wouldbe held.

US and British servicemen and women would join the Australians in the service to befollowed by breakfast and an afternoon barbecue - all alcohol free.

The Islamic culture where the commemorations are to be held will cause a significantdeparture from tradition.

"There won't be any gambling because of the cultural requirements of where we are -it'll be a two-up demonstration," Flt-Lt Bradley told AAP by telephone.

The 31-year-old from Melbourne said her first Anzac Day on active service overseaswould be the most significant.

"I've done a lot of Anzac marches and they're always very moving and very proud events,remembering those who have gone before us," she said.

"Now we're here and actually part of it, it'll have a special significance and allthe Anzac Days from now on will always remind me of the time we were here."

Tomorrow would also be an occasion to give thanks that none of the Australian militarycontingent in the Gulf had died.

"We're air force, we've been sending our guys out in jets and I'm immensely proud ofall their efforts and of all the other people who made sure the jets get up and down anddo what they have to do," she said.

"It's always: `good luck fellas and come back safe'."

AAP rmg/pw/jlw


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